Friday, March 28, 2008

Worrying so much about my blog that I am not really living in the moment

I realize that sometimes when I am doing something really fun I am thinking, "I have to get the best picture of this experience to put it on my blog," and by having this mentality, I am not really "in" the moment so I need to just "chill" and see what comes out on my camera. I am taking my camera to the Nancy Drew Book Club today to get some pictures for my blog. Wish me luck!!!! The funniest part of all of it is I only know of a few people that even visit my blog! Ha!


chiggyz said...


Suzy said...

Edie, I think I do exactly the same thing!!! But I always did that, thinking "It has to be perfect for the scrapbook!" Just enjoy your moments of life and know that no matter what you take--it's beautiful!!! You are such a BEAUTIFUL person and you live a BEAUTIFUL life. Thank you for having a blog. People need to see the wonderful things you do and be inspired by it. I am sooooooo grateful that you have a blog-- I LOVE seeing your gorgeous pictures and seeing all you are up to. Thanks for your wonderful comments on mine. I love staying in touch this way my beautiful, wonderful friend!! I LOVE you!!

Suzy said...

Think of me at the Nancy Drew book club tonight! Oh, how I wish I could be there with you!! Eating a petit four and sipping some yummy tea. I will be with you in spirit my wonderful, beautiful, goddess friend!

chiggyz said...

Suzy--Thank you for all of your wonderful words. That was so fun to come home and read your messages. We missed you so much at the Nancy Drew Club. You have to come with me. The food was soooooo delicious. I am going to hold Lolo for 80% plus of the day tomorrow. He is growing toooooo fast and as you can tell from my blog...I adore the kid. You inspire me with all that you do!!!!! I love you!!!!!!!!!

chiggyz said...

Suzy--Thank you for all of your wonderful words. That was so fun to come home and read your messages. We missed you so much at the Nancy Drew Club. You have to come with me. The food was soooooo delicious. I am going to hold Lolo for 80% plus of the day tomorrow. He is growing toooooo fast and as you can tell from my blog...I adore the kid. You inspire me with all that you do!!!!! I love you!!!!!!!!!