Sunday, March 30, 2008

Dagoba Chocolate

From The Alchemist's Notebook--Dagoba Chocolate
"As we approached the cacao tree, I felt like a 9 year old on Christmas. Once my hands touched the gift, I didn't even have to unwrap it to know Santa brought me exactly what I wanted. I plucked the pod from the tree, cracked it open and pulled out the pulp laden beans. We popped them into our mouths. Sweet success, literally..."
This little entry is on the wrapper to the Dagoba chocolate bar. If you haven't tried them--you really should. I've tried the lavender, the rose hips and the spicy peppery one. When we go to Ecuador next, I really want to eat a bean straight from the cacao tree. I'll let you know if I feel like it's Christmas morning--until then, I can get these bars at The Good Earth. I've also seen them at Borders.

1 comment:

Suzy said...

YUM!!! I hope you'll save me a bean or two! Don't you just love Dagoba? Just another thing we have in common. I'll never forget the first time I bit into their lavender bar--my first thought was, "Edie!"