Monday, June 15, 2009

A couple more cute ones from my birthday...

My 41st Birthday cont.

In the morning Maddie came over and we decided to go to her soon to be step-daughter's birthday party. It was so much fun. The kids played games and ate cake. I'm glad that we went. After that we came back to Provo and went to the Farmer's Market which is one of my favorite things to do in all the world. We didn't stay long because Naui called and asked if we wanted to meet for lunch. I picked the Indian restaurant on Center street. Mike, Sheri, the girls, Brian and Guy were there and then my parents showed up with Nena. It was perfect and the food was amazing!!!!!! I'm so grateful for good friends. After lunch we went to Parker's baptism. It was really nice. The kids were wound up so I spent most of the time out playing with them in the grass. Then we came home and cleaned a little and then Naui and I went to the Himalayan performing arts festival. I ran into my old friend Sorena Green Marble who I adore. It was such amazing timing. We were in Salem at a grocery store to buy water. I loved talking to her and seeing her. The festival was awesome. The food was excellent. We did a little chanting and watched a nice violin performance. We had to visit the llamas. They are one of my favorite animals. We have a couple of llamas in Ecuador named Felipe and Leticia after the spanish prince and princess. It was a magical night with the one I love.

My 41st Birthday

It's a crime that I haven't blogged for such a long time. It's been great having the kids out of school. We have 7 Peaks passes so we've been swimming and eating ice cream and just having too much fun. My best friend from Denver had another child graduate from high school so that makes me feel my age. I'm so proud of Kristi's kids. They are all wonderful!!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Ollie's school carnival!

We had so much fun on Friday night! We were at Ollie's carnival from 4-7 p.m. Ollie won a lot of cute little prizes and he won a cute purple puppy for Nena. Addy and Lolo didn't stay the whole time and Naui just came for the last 10 minutes. The weather was perfect and there were a lot of nice people there!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Sunday, May 3, 2009

More Easter Pics--I'm way behind

Easter Fun

Pics of the goods

Beehive Bazaar

At per Maddie's request, I am blogging a little about the Beehive Bazaar. It was a lot of fun this year. I haven't done it for a while because I've been so busy, but I was anxious to get back into it this year!!! I ended up selling something like 75 jars of salsa and I only sold a couple of coin purses and I don't know if I sold any of my Nancy Illustrations--(I did make a couple of trades with them though) the point is is that it was so fun to see all of the handiwork and art that people do around here. It was fun to share my salsa with everyone--the samples went fast. I loved seeing Stephanie, Molly and Noel and just a lot of other friends I hadn't seen for a while. Anne was so nice to me and I love her jam (her girls are adorable). I'm crazy about it. Anyway, it was a lot of fun. Nevermind that my kids looked like orphans for three days and my house got torn apart...

Friday, April 3, 2009