Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Police Concert

I think Maddie was the first one to tell me that the Police were coming to Salt Lake in concert. This was quite a while ago. We bought our tickets the day they went on sale up at the Smith's in Sugarhouse. Since then, we have been anticipating and waiting. Well, last night it finally came to fruition and it was everything I thought it would be and more. I have been listening and loving the Police and Sting since I was in 7th-8th grade. We have read the autobiography that Sting wrote. I love his lyrics and his zest for life and love. I tried to look like a bee last night. See what you think... my Dad did a great job of babysitting. He made it all possible. Please see the picture of the three youngest in our bed. It's so tender. Also take note of the moon. It rose up full during the encore numbers and it was breathtaking. It truly was a magical night.

1 comment:

Suzy said...

I freakin' LOVE that you dressed like a bee!! SO CUTE!! Great pics of Sting!! How did you get so close? I love the picture of your sleeping children. So precious! How nice that your dad could watch them.