Friday, July 25, 2008

Fountain Pen Fettish

O.K. My Dad is so awesome. He sold a painting and with the money he got, he bought himself and me new fountain pens. It's amazing. I was frustrated and wondering what to do 'cause my Pilot fountain pen wasn't working right. I was cleaning it and trying to get it usable. I looked at pens on the internet and thought they were too much so I get my phone to consult my Dad. There is a voice mail from him telling me to look under the seat of the Accord--passenger side and I start to tremble as I see the Tabula Rasa bag--I open it and there is the cutest card and a brand new red fountain pen--just like the one I had in Eau Claire whose tip got bent. Wowee!!! Check this out!!!!


Maddie said...

The story about the pen is sooo incredible. That is awesome!

Suzy said...

Your dad is an angel!!!