Sunday, April 6, 2008

Lolo's 4th bath

I took a bath with Ollie and Nena and we used all of the Turkish goodies my Mom gave me for my birthday including the copper bowl to rinse off with. We used the soap and the loofa and the pumice stone and the bath mitt. I put a lot of lavender in the water. It was so luxurious and then I gave Lolo his 4th bath in the sink. I think the kids got so relaxed in the bath because they have been asleep since 8 o'clock!!! Waaa hooooo!!! Hi five Naui--we wore them out!!!


Patricia M. Wickman said...

Lolo has amazing eyes. I love him!

Tina said...

Edie I love your Blog!!!! I found that hat at Banana about 6 months ago.... Keep the beautiful kiddie pictures coming!!

Suzy said...

That bath sounds wonderful. How luxurious. I once bathed Bella in your bathroom sink when she was about 3 months old. ( Remember when we stayed with you? That was soooo fun! ) All the Turkish things sound so exotic. It sounds like it smelled delicious. I would love to give that yummy chunky baby a bath. He's sooooo gorgeous!