Wednesday, April 9, 2008

9 pitcures of lolo


Suzy said...

Gosh, I love those saggy cheeks!! How did you make such a neat collage?

I love you Edie! I love catching up with you on our blogs. I wish we lived near each other so we could meet at the park and get snubbed by Napoleon Dynamite together!! I also want to make coconut-agave-maple syrup-cacao sauce with you and dip macaroons and strawberries into it. And then eat them all up!! You are the most dearest and sweetest and fun friend. I can't wait until Craig and I come out for a visit!

chiggyz said...

Addy did these pictures on his phone camera. I miss you tremendously!!! Yes, the park thing was weird. A New Earth (the book I'm reading) talks about what fame does to people. It's very interesting--identity and roles and everything. Oh well!!! Let's make chocolate sauce together soon!!! Thanks for checking out my blog!