Sunday, November 2, 2008


I always feel a little sad when Halloween is over. I love this holiday even though it's a hard one now that Anthony is gone. He passed away so close to the holiday that all of the rhythms, smells, sounds and sights of the season remind me of him and the wonderful visits I had with him before he passed away. It turns out that Naui was still out of town but we managed to have a great Halloween. On the 30th we went to a fun Halloween party and then we went to the carnival at the teen center. They had a fabulous Batman spook alley there. On Halloween day we got up early to do Addy's hair (long Bronco colored hair) and then we went to Ollie's school for his class party. After that we came home and got ready to trick-or-treat downtown. We went down there with another Mom and classmate of Ollie's. It was so much fun. The Language Center had a great spook alley and the Medical Supply place had some crazy doctors and the bride of Frankenstein which was a guy all dressed up. It was so fun! We met up with Susan, Andrew and Brad and of course, we saw Cindy and her gang--all dressed up Hollywood Star Wars style. Susan, Brad and Andrew looked so cute!!!! They are true artists. We came home after downtown and had Tortilla soup with Maddie and then went to Trunk-or-Treat where we won the award for the funniest trunk--we had a clown as the central attraction. Then we went trick-or-treating in the neighborhood. My witch hat blew away--darn it. We met up with Susan and Brad again and went to Raquel's house. She and Ollie looked awesome as Harold and Maud!!!!! My kids loved going over there as they always do. We came home with tons of candy!!! Yum!!!! Naui got home at like two in the morning after waiting in line at the Wendy's Drive through with Addy for FOREVER--little did they know, I had Tortilla soup at home.

1 comment:

Suzy said...

Sounds like a PERFECT Halloween day! Wish I could have been there for all that fun! How I would have LOVED to spend my day with you, Susan, Cindy and then end up at Raquel and Ollie's place! How I love you all.