Sunday, November 23, 2008

A typical Sunday night at the Zambrano Home

We spent the afternoon over at Ken's watching the Broncos lose to the Raiders. How did that happen? Ken saved Elena from choking on a cinnamon hard candy and then he kicked us out. We did have a delicious dinner of steak, eggs, rice and lentils before all of this happened so Elena had enough food in her stomach to force the candy out when Ken performed the Heimlik (sp?) maneuver on her. We had chocolate milk and cookies for dinner. The only thing not typical was the fact that Naui isn't here.

1 comment:

Suzy said...

I can't believe how long you've had to be without Naui!! I'm soooooooooooo glad that he came home for Thanksgiving!! My sweet friend, how do you do it all without him?