Sunday, June 1, 2008

Our Day at Lagoon

We weren't even planning a trip to Lagoon yesterday, but mid-morning Addy said, "Can we go to Lagoon?" I said, "Why not?" We were going to take all of the kids but then I decided that Nena might be better off at home with Naui. We left late with Skyler, Tyler, Addy Ollie and Lolo and we met up with our dear Sister/Aunt and cousins at the Frontrunner station at the Gateway. We parked at the Sandy station. It was so much fun and part of the thrill was taking the trains up there. The Frontrunner was awesome!!! Addy had it all researched out. He is quite the public transport wizard. That's how we were when we were kids.
One of the highlights of the trip was when we were relaxing at the picnic area and Addy comes bolting over to where we are and says, "Give me the camera! D. Will is here!!!" He got some great photos. Skyler was mesmorized. Another highlight was getting wet on Rattlesnake Rapids and going on Wicked for the first time. What a ride!!! My throat still hurts from screaming. Nathaniel sat by me and Tyler was on the other side of me.

1 comment:

Suzy said...

That sound SO FUN!! I love your spontaneity! Wish I could have come too!